What is a true holistic beauty routine? The 5 instagram accounts to follow to fully understand!
ABSOLOGY Routine beaute holistique 1512x | Absology Food supplements

Here at ABSOLOGY®, we believe and proudly carry In & out & holistic beauty concepts.

The« inside out » beauty concept is a global and holistic approach which consists in taking care of your inner and outer self by combining to your daily routine physical activities, a balanced diet, suited cosmetics and targeted food supplements. The idea is to treat the cause before symptoms.

In order to better assist you in your quest of absolute well-being and to help you magnify your natural beauty, our team offers you a selection of 5 Instagram accounts to follow to learn everything on how to optimize a food complements program: here focused on haircare supplements.

Ready? Let’s go!

1) A naturopathy and holistic beauty expert:

Claire Andreewitch @claireandreewitch

Originally from Sweden, Claire arrives in France in 2006 with numerous Scandinavian know how that she puts at your disposal in order to “accompany you through holistic programs, retreats and private sessions around nutrition, suited beauty routines, meditation and yoga”. She’d also written two books: “ Reveal your glow : 3 weeks to shine” from Marabout publishing house and an e-book “ The natural hair guide”.

If you are in a quest of the ultimate natural glow, tap on follow!

We love: her universe, her teaching skills, her professionalism and inspiring quotes.

2) A heath expert:

Anne Benhaim @labullepharma

« On all fronts pharmacist » Anne @labullepharma offers a new dimension to her job by launching her Instagram account to share wise and certified advice on health and skincosmetics.

A truly educational account (and dynamic!) to follow daily to learn everything about composition and real benefits of cosmetics and nutricosmetic products.

We love: her energy, her inner talent to teach easy learning and very interesting biology lessons – and her will to demonstrate that pharmaceutical advice has its place on social networks – and that it should breaks all barriers!

3) The responsible and fashionable « aesthetics-cosmetics » expert:

Olivier Lebrun @olivierlebrunhairstylist

Olivier Lebrun is a « multifonctionnal » studio hairdresser.

With multiple and exceptionnal skills from haircuts, coloring, care, hairdressing creations, your hair have no secret for him and are a constant source of inspiration!

« Not only a hairdresser he’s also an entrepreneur, and founder of OLAB PARIS salon dedicated to hair beauty in the very core of beautiful Paris. Nowadays, he shares his time between care creation of colors and textures for his customers.

His must haves? Detox care, Re-Scalp care but also the hair coloring Wavy color”

He has also launched his own care brush in white wood, created to sublimate hair and strengthen the scalp. A unique and handmade piece, eco-friendly and made in France!

We love: his wisdom, his talent to always mix aesthetics to clean beauty and this unlimited creativity!

4) A gourmet and decomplexing dietetic expert:

Charline Wirth @charlinedieteticienne

We recently discovered @charlinedieteticienne and it was love at first- Instagram-sight! The dietetician from Bordeaux shares practical, healthy and gourmet recipes ideas we cannot wait to include in our routine!

Her saying: “ To eat healthy and treat ourselves without spending 3 hours in the kitchen? That’s possible!” As for us, it is always about finding balance!

We love: her slight touch of humor, her educational yet decomplexing approach, and her gourmet-healthy #nowaste plates pictures that looks incredibly yummy!

5) Positive Yoga expert:

Caroline Perrinau @theyoginist

For Caroline Perrinau, « movement is the best therapy ».

To work on the connection between body and mind, allowing to radically change physical but also emotional and spiritual state.

On her Instagram, @theyoginist, Caroline inspires and motivates us by sharing full easy homework outs videos, always responding to targeted needs. Rings a bell?

We love: Caroline positive and holistic approach, her minimalist universe and focus on the essential.

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