ABSOLOGY®, the return to the essential, and nothing more
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More than a brand, ABSOLOGY® is a universe, a philosophy and a lifestyle.

A formal invitation to move forward yet back to the essential, which we most certainly need nowadays. ABSOLOGY® is also a calling, from naturalness in its most absolute form, and a will to enlight the inner beauty of every single woman by using its products. It’s a

Celebration of the “imperfect perfection“ in favor of an elegant body-positivism.

Interview with Elisa Cardoni, ABSOLOGY®’s founder and CEO.

Tell us everything about your background and your passion for the beauty and well-being?

« I’m Italian, born and raised in Rome. I’ve been living in Paris for 6 years now. I like to travel…as the French say “À la folie!”

Someone would say that I’m passionate, single-minded when it comes to my choices, and always searching for new challenges. I’m extremely demanding, maybe too much, especially with myself.

I am a thorough worker, I love to keep a strong attention to details, and I never stop practicing… because we never stop learning, do we?

I’ve worked for many years as a Marketing Manager for national and international pharmaceutical companies. I’ve had the privilege in the past of working with incredible managers and to collaborate with pundits of the scientific field.

Through those experiences I’ve developed a deep interest into well-being and its connection to beauty. For me, individual care needs to be combined with a more global type of awareness.

Food, energy and this sense of being aligned with yourself contribute to an authentic in&out beauty. I found this reality to be absolutely fascinating, and I use it as my main source of inspiration.”

Do you recall the day when ABSOLOGY® emerged in your mind? Tell us all about how it has become a reality?

« After having worked for many years in on well know and established brands, and in the creation of new lines of products from different markets, I decided to create my own brand of international premium products which would combine the Italian & the French know-how. I remember vividly the evening when my husband and I were drinking a fine glass of French wine while discussing… and when we decided together that ABSOLOGY® would come alive!”

What do you feel the most passionate about in your work? In building your own brand?

« My work is my passion! Anyone who had the same career path than mine knows how exhilarating it is to create a brand, to define its DNA and its values. The real challenge there is to nourish it, to keep it alive… and it’s a huge bet!

For that matter it’s crucial to listen to the consumers, to understand their wishes by anticipating them, and to turn our clients into protagonists of each and every ABSOLOGY® ‘s development.
I would say that to make ABSOLOGY® a part of their daily life is the most exciting and stimulating part of my work, and for people working by my side.

Besides… Why ABSOLOGY®?

« ABSOLOGY® is more than a mere name, it’s a philosophy. A lifestyle that places nature at the hearth of science. I was looking for a comprehensible and easy-to- pronounce name that would convey the three most important concepts for me: “essential”, “absolute” and “science”.

ABSOLOGY® is the result of an exact equation showing that day by day, season after season, nature only brings the essential. And nothing more.

Why choose to launch a brand of nutricosmetics on such a competitive market?

Food supplements market is indeed a real competitive market, because it’s so easy to access, and not only in France. That’s why when I decided to create a nutricosmetic brand, I needed to create something different, by putting quality over quantity, in order to rightfully respect the people that believe in us or will decide to enter the world of ABSOLOGY®…

Besides, I put a lot of effort on research and in the choice of specific ingredients with high grade of scientific proven. Finally, another aspect, often overlooked, is about the value chain: I’ve decided to work exclusively with excellent & well-renowned partners from the pharmaceutical industry.

Do you take food supplements?

« Of course! Depending on the season and depending on my needs, I do use by cycle nutricosmetics, and always combine them with a healthy diet and some physical exercise.”

What about your vision of beauty?

« I see beauty as integrative or as we say « in & out ». I agree with the holistic approach that taking care of our body has to be done from outside but ultimately also from within! That’s the perfect combination, right?! Nutricosmetics have the purpose to optimize and to sublimate all types of skincare by allowing to replace reserves that we cannot simply obtain by food or the use of cosmetics.”

What is your beauty routine?

« I fully share the values of Skip-Care that promotes a less is more approach, which is also at the very core of ABSOLOGY®.’ values and products.
Quality, before quantity. A good daily skin cleaning and hydration, on mornings and evenings, are the fundamental steps towards a good care of the skin. I use a serum every day and I never forget to take my food supplements and to drink at least 2 liters of water.”

Who is the “ABSOLOGY® Woman”?

« The ABSOLOGY® woman is spontaneous. She undertakes her flaws and make them a part of her charm. She finds herself in the mindset of elegant body-positivism and sees clean, in&out beauty as a philosophy. She’s fulfilled, positive and likes to take care of herself. Her first ambition is to live and enjoy simple pleasures. She’s demanding and well aware of the world around her: she’s searching for quality, wellness, naturalness and essentials.

Which ABSOLOGY®’s message is the most important for you, and why?

« The return to the essential. With ABSOLOGY®, I chose a care method that evaluates essential ingredients for the skin to get rid of useless products in order to have a simpler beauty routine, but still adequate.
A « return » to the essential that would be good for our skin but also for our planet.

If ABSOLOGY® was a word?

« I guess you’ve already figured that one out…ESSENTIAL! »

What makes you proud

First of all, my daughter and her inner serenity – and my husband who has the amazing quality of being my first “fan” and who supports and encourages me in all my choices. And then, I’m proud of my passion and my determination which, despites all the sacrifices I had to make, have brought me where I wanted to be… At the beginning of a great challenge! Besides, as someone once said: “Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

A little quote before you goes?

“The best in life resides in a work you love and in a happy love “

About Absology®